Other things


Other things

Heres a few other small but important things.

Edit your profile

  1. Login and tap the ‘menu’ button on the bottom right of your screen
  2. Tap the ‘profile’ section
  3. Make changes and tap ‘Save’ when prompted
  1. Log in and click your name on the top right of your screen
  2. Edit profile
  3. Click ‘Submit’ to apply changes

Log out

  1. Login and tap the ‘menu’ button on the bottom right of your screen
  2. Tap the ‘log out’ button
  1. Click the drop down arrow at the top right of your screen
  2. Select an option

Contact support

  1. Login and tap the ‘menu’ button on the bottom right of your screen
  2. Tap the ‘Contact’ button to send a request
  1. Click the drop down arrow at the top right of your screen
  2. Select an option

Manage Subscriptions

  1. Currently this feature is only available from a desktop device. Please read the ‘Web’ section for instructions
  1. Log in and click the drop down arrow next to your name at the top right
  2. Select subscriptions to manage/change/cancel your subscriptions

Notification settings

  1. Login and tap the ‘menu’ button on the bottom right
  2. Tap ‘email notifications’ to manage which emails you receive
  3. Tap ‘mobile notifications’ to manage which mobile notifications you receive.
  1. Login and select the drop down arrow next to your name on the top right
  2. Select ‘email notifications’ to manage which emails your receive