Account Creation and Logging In


Account Creation and logging in

Before you can start to use Buildster, you’ll need to create your free account. Your free trial won't begin until you create a new project.

  1. Go to the app store or Play Store and search Buildster inc.
  2. Download Buildster and open the app
  3. Tap ‘Sign up for an account’
  4. Fill in the fields and tap ‘Sign Up’
  5. Enter your phone number and tap ‘Submit’
  6. Your phone number is only for verification
  7. Enter the code that gets texted to you and tap submit
  8. Go through the terms of service and welcome screens

  1. Visit and click ‘Sign up’ on the top of your screen
  2. Fill in the fields and click ‘Sign up’
  3. Check your phone and enter the verification code that was texted to you. Click ‘Submit’
  4. Log in to your account by entering the email and password you entered during set up